February 02, 2011

Welcome, February!

I always appreciate the fresh perspective of a new month—like a mini New Year. Not only do I get a paycheck and chance to flip my desk calendar, but I also have a new set of experiences to look forward to. February means Valentine’s Day, Kern’s birthday, President’s Day and a short month! This February in particular, two of my best friends in the whole wide world are coming to visit me! Sara Tyson and Mary Jane get into DC this weekend and we will be able to relax, site-see, eat out, catch up and just enjoy each other’s company for 3 days—what a treat! At the end of the month, I get to go to Mississippi for a very special occasion that will be revealed later.

As if this month could not look any more promising, the groundhog did not see his shadow this morning, which means spring is near! I’m already getting my Jack Rogers out…

As I reflect on the past month of the New Year, which I can hardly believe has already passed, I am thankful. I accomplished a lot—I went to Disney World, started doing Pilates and cleaned out my closet. There were also some sobering moments involving the tragedy in Tucson and the unrest in Egypt, which is still going on. My brother moved to Richmond—so instead of being 10 minutes away from me, he is over 2 hours.

The moving parts intertwined with happiness and sadness are what make up the weeks that make up the months that make up the years. I’m a big believer that the “little things” matter because they eventually turn into the big things.

In church on Sunday, my pastor preached on Matthew 26: 31-35. It is the passage where Jesus tells his disciples that they will deny him and flee from him when he is crucified. In verse 32, he tells them, “But after I am raised up, I will go before you into Galilee.” Even though his followers were going to abandon him in his most critical hour, Jesus assured them that he would still go before them and pave the way. This promise is good for us too—Jesus goes before us in each area of our lives. Consider this promise as you go about your day, week, month and year. Jesus has already gone before you. It certainly changes my perspective on the future.

What a mighty God we serve!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome February indeed! :) Love reading this Em! Excited for Feb and then SUPER excited for MARCH when I get to see you! :)

    Praying for you! xoxox


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